The bull keeps bucking

The night continued to be a rough one, thankfully things mellowed a bit and by sunrise the violent waves banging the bridgedeck were starting to diminish. Our speed increased too and the arrival into Brisbane was looking like it was on track to beat the southerlies. On my morning inspection we were up to 6mm (0.25″) of salt caked on the rigging. Proof of the pounding we had been taking.

Roxy had trouble sleeping the last couple of nights. While my watch ended at 5:00am I extended it until she woke up around 6:15 to help her body battery bank. Once she was moving, Carl made the coffee while I did our morning boat inspection – no damage and as a bonus no morning salt bath as I managed to steer clear water blasting over the bows. A good start to the day.

The weather forecast was for nicer conditions throughout the day with winds building around 4pm and lasting until midnight. It was impressive how spot on the forecast, just as 4:00pm approached the wind came followed by the waves. Whelp back to yesterday’s conditions we go…

I had cooked dinner early today, just in case and it was good that I did. Our 4:45pm meal was followed by a quick shower. Which was made quite challenging by the rolling of the boat. Then it was on to watch schedule. It sucked that I struggled to sleep, only managing about 45 minutes on my first four-hour block off watch, this was due to the violent bangs from the waves slamming under my bed. I took solace in the fact that we just had two nights left and tomorrow was forecast to be a calmer, motoring day.

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