Tag Archives : Pitot Tube

The final push

One week left until my inspection and so many little things to tighten up. But if feels good to have the finish line in sight. My day begin with circling back to the Vertical Stabilizer/Horizontal stabilizer fairing. I had drilled the holes but they needed to be countersunk and then the final screws installed. Knocked that out and moved on…

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Fiberglass, ugh

So the cowling fit is shit. To get it to line up in the back, the front is off – not terrible but off. The sides are the issue. On the pilot side there is a 7/16″ gap. WTF. So today the sides got built up to fill the gap. More fun tomorrow. The cabin top is now drilled and…

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Wire up those wings!

With the tail is good shape, my plan had been to bang out the Vertical Stabilizer but plans changes… Instead I ran the wires through the wings, mounted the Garmin Pitot tube regulator, and wired the Autopilot Roll servo connector. I got the cutouts finished for the rear air vents too. A productive day and now the wings are ready…

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Short day but checked off the Nav antenna mounting

Headed to see my parents in the afternoon so it was short day. I was able finish mounting the Rami Nav antenna to the top of Vertical Stabilizer after starting the fabrication of the doubler yesterday. Also on the Wing front – got the pitot mast prep’d and primed. Right wing skin is primed.

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