Tag Archives : Battery

Working back to front

Whew, today feels like there was great progress. I was able to get the two charge ports installed with a bracket for the batteries. That will save me from removing the bulkheads should the batteries need to be topped off. Then it was on to finishing the baggage area panel covers and the baggage door. Let me just say the…

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Lots of boxes checked today!

I have been bouncing around a bit lately and not getting a ton of items finished. Today I was able to check off a number of items and the biggest on being the ER tank installation (ended up taking 58.5 hours). Installed the connectors for the roll trim servo. I can now properly say that the wings are just about…

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Looking more like an airplane

Today a few more items were banged out. Got the first tail section top skin riveted on, drew up on CAD the revised battery box and COMM antenna doubler. Ordered those to be fabricated along with another Left Upper Panel piece, which needed to be updated since I switched from Lightspeed to dual P-Mags. Fingured out a bunch of connectors…

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