With not much time before leaving for Alaska and Fiji, I really wanted to get in a backpacking trip. I wish there had been more time but alas only a single night could be squeezed into my schedule. A massive bonus was that I was the first one on the trail for the year. Well maybe not a massive bonus…
The back right cylinders on Lycoming engines are always the hottest on Van’s RV planes. I’ve not had any major issues (with CHT temperatures) on cylinder 5 until recently. Departing Las Vegas at 6:45am in 90+ degree temperatures it took a lot of playing with my climb rate and oil cooler dampener to keep the CHTs in line, and even…
After a number of questions on VansAirforce.net about my rudder trim system, I decided it was to for a post to help others who may be interested in a similar system. I wanted a system that would move the entire rudder and could be adjusted via a switch on the panel. Originally I purchased the Aerosport Products Rudder trim but…
Each Condition inspection I have battled the reinstallation of the Matco brakes. The issue is that there is almost no room to get the inside brake pad lined up and start the bolt. I’ve spent upwards of 40 minutes getting one bolt started, frustrating and a total waste of time. I’m embarrassed it took me this long but I finally…