Checked out and headed into blue water

Roxy and I started the day with a forty-five minute cab ride to the GCC currency exchange in Nadi. There is always some challenge, today it was finding the shop. Google was no help, their Facebook page no help, hell even their website was no help. Luckily, I dialed the phone and someone answered who could give the driver directions.…

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Cleaning and preparing for our passage to Vanuatu

One night’s slip is included with the checkout fees at Vuda Marina. Wanting to make the most of it, we moved onto a slip as soon as we could. Then it was go time, cleaning the boat, storing the paddle boards and dinghy, along with blue water preparing the boat. Oh plus a pain in the butt job of tightening…

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Cheering at the Yasawa Island tournament

Friday was the Yasawa group rugby playoffs, with our local village (Yasawairara) playing at 8am – it was much too early for us, but Carl and I made the paddleboard/two mile hike into a nearby village. The tournament was a fun format with 10 minute halves for the teams of 7. Being close to the action it was unexpected how…

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A trip to the Champagne beach village

Coffee complete and we headed north. It was blowing 20ish knots and we started with Reef 1 in the main sail giving up 7.6 knots of speed. Very nice. It wasn’t too rough so I headed down to make my breakfast. There was a gap in between islands coming up so Carl and I put in the second reef and…

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A couple hops to Fiji

Getting nearly halfway around the world is not without some effort. My trip from Anchorage to Nadi, Fiji started with a flight to Honolulu where I had a two hour layover. What a cool airport, open air walkways with individual buildings for each gate and a very nice garden in the middle. Exploring the Japanese, Chinese, and Hawaiian gardens kept…

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One last night in Alaska with a bit of touring Anchorage

After the drive from Seward to Anchorage, I managed to purchase a new phone (very necessary for Fiji), enjoyed some great food, and checked out a few of the sites. With too much time in the car driving back from Seward we headed to Kincaid park where there are tons of hiking trails, a biathlon course, disc golf, and play…

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