The bull keeps bucking

The night continued to be a rough one, thankfully things mellowed a bit and by sunrise the violent waves banging the bridgedeck were starting to diminish. Our speed increased too and the arrival into Brisbane was looking like it was on track to beat the southerlies. On my morning inspection we were up to 6mm (0.25″) of salt caked on…

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Here we go, Riding the bull day 1

A bit after sunrise the winds started to creep up, once Carl came up we immediately raised the sails. The wind gave us a knot of extra speed over the engine bringing us to 6.5 to 6.7 knots. A much appreciated speed bump. For another hour things were pretty chill. The wind started to creep up and with it, an…

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The one that got away…

Very little wind overnight and currents against us ensured the past 24 hours would NOT be a record day. Blerg. After the sun came up, I let the fishing line out and with it, hopes for tuna for dinner. After our daily coffee, weather check, and reading the news, Carl noticed a fish skimming the surface being chased by something.…

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Swimming in the middle of the ocean

Amazing sailing conditions continued until around 4am when the wind dropped and Roxy had to start up an engine on her watch. Ugh, it was shaping up to be a motoring day (which was forecast). On the plus side it was incredibly mellow conditions. The fishing line was out early with a new lure in hopes of tuna poke bowls…

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Working into a rhythm

Yesterday’s rough sea conditions (after getting into the open sea) jolted us into the reality of the passage. Overnight the very bright, nearly full moon was wonderful giving us lots of light. Things improved as the night progressed, however there were still some loud, violent banging on the hulls from waves. Around 2:30am the wind had dropped to less than…

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And we are off

The day had arrived! The wind seemed a bit calmer overnight, which was nice since we knew the first hour would be bashing into the wind/waves. After coffee, we fired up the engine and were on our way. It took half an hour to get out of the bay. Once looping over the top it was a bit rough but…

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Checked out and fully provisioned!

Change of plans again, the forecast had stabilized and while we would have low winds for a good chunk of the passage to Australia it was good enough to head out. So today we would check out and provision for the passage. After a longer wait than typical, we flagged down a car. A nice couple drove us about half…

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A great hike in a new direction

The morning forecast gave us disappointing news, there was no longer a reliable forecast that looked good for us to depart. Major bummer after all of the hard work yesterday. It was a cloudy day, so we had to be on limited power use, a great reason to spend the morning reading. After lunch everyone was ready to get some…

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Prep while waiting for a weather window

We have been watching the weather forecast and it was looking like we would leave in two or three days so that made today a big prep day to get the boat ready for a blue water passage. We didn’t kill ourselves but we did spend most of the day working. I also finished up the bottom cleaning, and was…

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Glad to have an easy passage

The forecast was spot on with not much wind and mellow seas. After preparing for an all day bash, since we would be going into the prevailing wind/waves, it was a wonderful bit of luck. We were able to make water and relax for the 40-mile motor south, back to Palikulo bay. No real excitement to share. Around 2pm we…

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One last hike before we head south

More rain overnight and into the morning slowed things down but around 10am there was a break in the rain which I used to sneak off to the island. With no real plan I took my time, stopping in multiple spots to just stare out into the ocean and watch the plentiful hermit crabs scurry around. I poked around the…

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