The weather gods smiled on us, instead of the normal SE trades (the direction we were headed), we had a north wind. With provisioning to get done it was still a motorsail giving us a very nice 7.5 knot average. The anchor was no more than set before Roxy and I headed to the dinghy dock to grab a cab to Lautoka.
First stop the ATM, as we needed cash to exchange on Monday for Vanuatu Vatu currency. Then a big provision of staples, at the Extra store, as we likely won’t see many more options before Australia. At the checkout I ran to the liquor store for a couple items, including champagne for Roxy and Carl’s upcoming anniversary. It will be 19 years and we will be on our passage so the champagne will be a great celebration of their wedding plus our arrival in Vanuatu.
The longest job was labeling, organizing and stowing all of our purchases. We ran out of time before dinner and I finished up in the dark. Finally a deep sigh and time to relax until bed. Whew!
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