Browsing Category : Hiking

A great hike in a new direction

The morning forecast gave us disappointing news, there was no longer a reliable forecast that looked good for us to depart. Major bummer after all of the hard work yesterday. It was a cloudy day, so we had to be on limited power use, a great reason to spend the morning reading. After lunch everyone was ready to get some…

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More exploring around this gorgeous spot

There was heavy rain off and on throughout the night and we woke to a very humid, damp space. I got to cleaning the windows and solar panels. Carl dried off the inside of the windows and we settled in to wait for hopefully clearing skies. By ten it was looking pretty good, so I grabbed a paddle board and…

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A day full of exercise

We had two other monohulls in the anchorage with us. We wanted to say hi but first, off to explore the sandspit on the island we anchored behind. It was a pretty spot that gave us a good view of the ocean on the other side – all of us glad we were not out today in big rolling seas…

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A walkabout around Hog harbor

We heard this town had a store, not really needing anything we decided to check it out anyway. Landing the paddleboards we realized that we were in someone’s backyard so Carl headed to seek permission. Thankfully they were okay with our intrusion and soon enough we walked across their property to the road. Three cute little girls probably five years…

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Exploring Palikulo bay

Carl was hit with a possible minor cold so plans where changed, delaying our move to Oyster bay. I spent a good chunk of the afternoon paddleboarding to shore and then walking the beach. A number of groups were hanging out, some fishing, some listening to music, and some just lounging around. I reached a spot where the beach disappeared,…

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Snorkeling Million Dollar beach

Dugongs spotted! As we enjoyed our morning coffee on the bow, I spotted a dugong twice as it surfaced for a breath. A bit far to swim to it so just a spotting. But they are around. Late morning we piled into the dinghy with our snorkeling gear. Families were enjoying the Sunday day on the beach as we laced…

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Three village visits in one day

We jumped on the paddleboards and headed into the village to speak with the chief and to explore a bit. With the shallow draft we were able to go straight over the reef making for a shorter paddle. Once on shore I walked up to a villager to ask if we could leave our paddleboards. Bill was very kind and…

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