Browsing Category : Fishing

The one that got away…

Very little wind overnight and currents against us ensured the past 24 hours would NOT be a record day. Blerg. After the sun came up, I let the fishing line out and with it, hopes for tuna for dinner. After our daily coffee, weather check, and reading the news, Carl noticed a fish skimming the surface being chased by something.…

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Working into a rhythm

Yesterday’s rough sea conditions (after getting into the open sea) jolted us into the reality of the passage. Overnight the very bright, nearly full moon was wonderful giving us lots of light. Things improved as the night progressed, however there were still some loud, violent banging on the hulls from waves. Around 2:30am the wind had dropped to less than…

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Sailing north to Epi

With a sixty plus mile day ahead of us the plan was to have the anchor up at 5am. All was going smoothly, everyone was ready, in position, and the chain was nicely falling into the locker. With about 20 meters to go there was a clunk, clunk, and the chain stopped. We were snagged on something. I should mention…

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Let the good times begin!

A quick run for a few items and some ice from the store and we were ready for the catamaran line sail out of Puerto Escondido. A delay getting the charter boats off the dock but by 10:30 we were parading out of the channel with Eddie from West Coast Multihulls capturing it all with his drone. No much wind…

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A great day SAILING

The rigging on Gato Loco was just replaced and the rig tensioning was way off at the start of the trip. We went very conservative to this point and had only tightening the inner and outer shrouds. Funny enough, last time in Santa Rosalia I went up the mast too, that time to clean the contacts on the Windex. Up…

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Two hikes, one day

The night before I let everyone know I planned to get up for the sunrise and for a hike before we pulled the anchor at 7am. So at 5:15, I quietly (as much as possible) lowered the dinghy and used the oars to get a quarter mile away before starting the engine and idling away. I headed up around the…

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Hahn’s Peak Lake Catching

Whelp I will admit I had zero hopes of catching any fish and when my step-father asked if I had a smaller cooler I rolled my eyes. But nevertheless looking for a nice day outside I was game for some fishing. Once we got setup and threw our lines out I fell into the typical cast, reel, repeat with no…

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Time to cross to the mainland

Crossing time. Oddly the wind was calm from 11:00pm until about 6:00am, we would get some gusts but nothing sustained. The plan was to depart at 8:00am after a big breakfast and that is exactly what we did. Getting out of the protection of the anchorage we were greeted with some 4-6 foot white capped waves just forward of our…

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Stocking the freezer!

We will not be defeated by injury! After breakfast it was time to show that we can fish and remain injury free. Jack’s now favorite lure (the one that got him yesterday) was repaired and first to hit the water. Right out of the gate I had a fish on the line. A good fight convinced me it was a…

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How about some hiking and some fish, OUCH!

Ready, set, hike! Before the sunrise we watched Pura Vida motor off to the north and we headed in to the beach. It was good to see that is was much cleaner than in the spring when we hauled forty pounds of trash to Bahia LA. Much cleaner does not mean clean, so we packed up another tub of garbage…

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Pulling into San Francisquito

Up before the sun and underway just after 6:00am, we headed for San Francisquito. Visions of stocking the freezer with fish filled out heads and we motorsailed 40 aught miles south. Mellow day on the water with not much wind and calm seas. Only drawback at one point was a 1.3 knot current against us. Thankfully it only lasted an…

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