Browsing Category : Diving

Swimming in the middle of the ocean

Amazing sailing conditions continued until around 4am when the wind dropped and Roxy had to start up an engine on her watch. Ugh, it was shaping up to be a motoring day (which was forecast). On the plus side it was incredibly mellow conditions. The fishing line was out early with a new lure in hopes of tuna poke bowls…

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More exploring around this gorgeous spot

There was heavy rain off and on throughout the night and we woke to a very humid, damp space. I got to cleaning the windows and solar panels. Carl dried off the inside of the windows and we settled in to wait for hopefully clearing skies. By ten it was looking pretty good, so I grabbed a paddle board and…

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A day full of exercise

We had two other monohulls in the anchorage with us. We wanted to say hi but first, off to explore the sandspit on the island we anchored behind. It was a pretty spot that gave us a good view of the ocean on the other side – all of us glad we were not out today in big rolling seas…

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Checking out the Riri blue hole

Another rainy morning but the forecast was for clearing by 11am, making our planned trip to the Riri blue hole a possibility. We would get patches of sun and then it would fill right back in to complete cloud cover. I held out hope and around 11 we saw some blue sky and decided we were going no matter what.…

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Maleluvu blue hole experience

Hopes were high to dinghy up to the Maleluvu blue hole today and with fingers crossed we had our coffee and breakfast. Around 8am the call was made, we were going for it. It was a bit of a bash heading to the mouth of the river with the wind still kicking up chop between islands. Around the shallow sandy…

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Snorkeling Million Dollar beach

Dugongs spotted! As we enjoyed our morning coffee on the bow, I spotted a dugong twice as it surfaced for a breath. A bit far to swim to it so just a spotting. But they are around. Late morning we piled into the dinghy with our snorkeling gear. Families were enjoying the Sunday day on the beach as we laced…

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A traumatic day with a happy ending

Did the tagline get you to click? Well before I get into that I want to start with an awesome morning. What made it awesome? Around 10am I noticed an outrigger with four ladies and a boy paddling towards us. Upon their arrival, they presented a bag to us with bananas and coconuts in it as a gift. How incredible…

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Best dive in Vanuatu!

With plans to snorkel a reef that had excellent reviews we made an early move eleven-ish miles north. As soon as we were comfortable with the anchor we paddled into shore. It took a bit of searching but we found a very direct route with a steep up and a steep down into the village in the next bay. A…

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Searching for a safe spot to anchor

On the hunt, sort of, for the dugongs. Yesterday the villagers pointed to an area where we might find them, but our real reason for the change of anchorage was to have a good launching spot for the following day’s passage. The new spot was just three miles away but involved navigating all of the reefs again. With our track…

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The search for dugongs

After the big adventure day yesterday, we were up for a lower paced day. A few boat projects were checked off the list and around 10:30am Roxy was feeling it was our best chance to snorkel the reef and look for dugongs (similar to manatees). It had been raining off and on all morning and so we all suited up…

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Soaking in some nature

It was a short hop across the bay to our next anchorage. We attempted to anchor at the location in the RocketGuide but it was quite deep (15 meters versus 6 meters in the guide) and there did not appear to be any sand, just coral. SV Beluga, SV Blue Beryl, and SV Cleo were nearby and we went over…

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Undine bay on Nguna island

Most important thing for the day was visiting the chief and asking permission to anchor and visit their village. Unlike in Fiji there is not need to make an offering. The villagers were friendly and when asking to meet the chief we learned he was not feeling well. We asked for the head man, were told they would find someone.…

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