The one that got away…

Very little wind overnight and currents against us ensured the past 24 hours would NOT be a record day. Blerg. After the sun came up, I let the fishing line out and with it, hopes for tuna for dinner.

After our daily coffee, weather check, and reading the news, Carl noticed a fish skimming the surface being chased by something. And sure enough, a few minutes later we had a hit on our lure. The fish was on! Waiting for the line to wear out the fish, I noticed it went slack. I quickly pulled in the slack finding that it was still on but running towards the boat. Not much I could do and I cycled through questioning if it is on, or is it off, before it was just it is off. Blerg again. We had it hit two more times but no hook up, hours later realizing the first fish dislodged the hook. Blerg yet again.

The other excitement happened while I was checking the freezers and getting meat for dinner. The boat rolled, the lid started to shut and my head stopped it before my hand could get there. Of course it resulted in a small gash to my forehead. Oh well, no concussion – it wasn’t too bad.

Closing out our next 24 hour period at sea, we came in with a disappointing 131nm, or 5.45nm/hr average. Truth be told it is slightly better than I expected since overnight we were in the upper 4nm/hr. Probably one more day of motoring with similar speeds before the wind fills in and we are back to sailing.

I took advantage of the light winds to have a BBQ for dinner. We had burgers, roasted potatoes and green beans, along with a cucumber/bean/beet salad. A bit of comfort food carried us over to the half way point in the passage which happened overnight.

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