Glad to have an easy passage

The forecast was spot on with not much wind and mellow seas. After preparing for an all day bash, since we would be going into the prevailing wind/waves, it was a wonderful bit of luck. We were able to make water and relax for the 40-mile motor south, back to Palikulo bay. No real excitement to share.

Around 2pm we slowed down to keep an eye out as we crossed the two passes arriving near our last anchor spot, but this time moving a bit more south and east into shallower water that were closer to shore. As a bonus we also had more space from the bommie that was behind us last time.

Roxy led the way into the water to dive the anchor while Carl and I transferred Gerry cans of fuel into the main tanks. This fuel was from Fiji and after all the sailing over the past two months we still were able to complete fill our tanks and have about 10 additional liters. Australia is about 1,200nm away, with full fuel we can motor about 900nm, we expect to sail nearly the entire way but it is good to know that if we lose the wind there will be no concern about running the engines to keep us moving. Work done, extremely hot and sweaty we dove in to cool off. The passage prep has begun!

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