One last hike before we head south

More rain overnight and into the morning slowed things down but around 10am there was a break in the rain which I used to sneak off to the island. With no real plan I took my time, stopping in multiple spots to just stare out into the ocean and watch the plentiful hermit crabs scurry around. I poked around the shoreline for shells but didn’t really find much of interest except on very large giant clam shell, likely dinner for one of the villagers at some point.

Inadvertently I found myself wandering down the path to the first fresh water lake we visited. This time I took time to follow the large cleared areas, changing my mind that these were natural fields and not clear by locals. Figuring I had explored as much as there was to see I returned to my paddleboard and made my way home for lunch.

I really wanted to snorkel the small rocky outcrop island one more time but the overcast put that on hold. Instead, I did some writing and reading. I poked my head out a few times and it was looking better but I held out hope for brighter conditions. Back to reading which turned into a nap. Waking up I found that my window had slammed shut with another solid overcast layer moving in. Damn, I should have gone when it was mostly cloudy.

A nice final dinner in this spot was enjoyed listening to James Taylor and with a bit of gin. The days have gotten noticeably longer giving us some light after eating and reducing the desire to rush off to get the dishes done before dark. A quick shower and everyone’s eyes locked on to our devices for some programming. And so it goes, a close out to our adventures in Vanuatu. Tomorrow we head back to Palikulo bay to checkout and provision for our passage to OZ!

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