A trip to the Champagne beach village

Coffee complete and we headed north. It was blowing 20ish knots and we started with Reef 1 in the main sail giving up 7.6 knots of speed. Very nice. It wasn’t too rough so I headed down to make my breakfast. There was a gap in between islands coming up so Carl and I put in the second reef and saw the apparent wind speed creep up to 26-27 knots. With only 19 miles it wasn’t long before we were following our course between the reefs and into the anchorage in front of the Yasawa-i-Rara village.

SV Cape Maria was a few miles behind so we pulled out the wing foiling kit. Carl and I took turns and enjoyed the water time. Sadly, my skills had slipped and I need some more practice to get back to where I was last season. Following our friend’s arrival we headed to Sky Pond to get cleaned up before Sevusevu in the village.

The chief of this village is not around often, his wife unusually proceeds over sevusevu but she was go too so a sister filled in. It was the quickest one we have done and with kava presented it was time to shop with a number of ladies setting up their handicrafts. Roxy found a perfectly made basket but as we have visited many villages our needs are zero so we abstained from the pressure to make any additional purchases.

Adrian had been to this village before had helped fix electrical issues, so soon enough we were jumping from home to home diagnosing issues. A plan was made to bring tools in the morning to address a more challenging problem. The Sky Pond group explored the village including out to the infant school where some of the villagers were training for a big rugby tournament on Friday. An event we are planning to attend.

Back aboard it wasn’t long before I jumped into the galley to whip up dinner (pork rice bowls) with more of Roxy’s frozen fruit dessert. After dinner I headed to my cabin to watch some programming only to succumb to heavy eyes and falling asleep at 7:45pm (such a change from sunset at 10:45 pm in Alaska).

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