The process of calibrating the G3X and G5 systems for accurate altitude reporting is provided in the G3X™/G3X Touch™ Installation Manual and the Garmin G5 Installation Manual.
It is important to not ignore the AOA port, if not connected damage to the ADAHRS sensors may occur.
G3X ADAHRS Static Pressure Calibration Procedure – Link
G5 Air Data Static Pressure Calibration Procedure – Link
To enter the Air Data Configuration page:
1. Power down the G5
2. Press in the knob and press the Power button
3. Rotate the knob to select Air Data and press in the knob
4. Rotate the knob to select Calibration Static Pressures and press in the knob
A good video of the procedure is available on YouTube – Link
Matt Dickey on the Cubcrafters forum provided the following advice:
When we do the certification for the transponder, we disconnect the lines at the GSU 25 and plumb our pitot/static test box right into the ports on the GSU. After checking the transponder and the altitude reporting, we then put everything back together and do the static leak check (pull vacuum on static system raising altitude to 1000 feet above field elevation then watch for leaks no more than 100 feet per minute).
As far as how we plumb into the GSU ports, our tester is set up to be able to run two lines from it’s static side and one from its pitot side. We connect one static line to GSU Static port, one static line to GSU AOA port, and the pitot line goes to the GSU Pitot port. I don’t know what tester your avionics guy has or how it’s set up but the idea is to keep all the pressures across all three GSU ports exactly the same. The problem Garmin is talking about is when you pull the pressure down on one port but leave the other at ambient, the differential between them can cause damage when the pressures are excessive.
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