Nice Restaurants and Fine Dining Choices in Steamboat This listing excludes restaurants that close during the summer months. RestaurantMenuFoodDrinksValue 8th Street Steakhouse www.8thstreetsteakhouse.comLink445 Aurum www.aurumsteamboat.comLink 554 Besame www.besamesteamboat.comLink 555 Cafe Diva www.cafediva.comLink 553 E3 Steakhouse www.e3chophousesteamboat.comLink 452 Harwig's www.harwigs.comLink 553 Laundry 554 Mahogany Ridge www.mahoganyridgebrewery.comLink 343 Mambos www.mambos.comLink 444 Ore House at the Pine GroveLink 444 Primrose www.primrosesteamboat.comLink 554 Sauvage www.sauvage-restaurant.comLink 554 Table 79 www.table79steamboat.comLink 444 Tahk Omasake Sushi www.tahksushi.comLink 543 The Periodic Table www.periodicsteamboat.comLink 543 Three Peaks www.threepeaksgrill.comLink 443 Truffle Pig www.trufflepigrestaurant.comLink 443