Hustle to Vuda marina for provisioning and to check out of Fiji

The weather gods smiled on us, instead of the normal SE trades (the direction we were headed), we had a north wind. With provisioning to get done it was still a motorsail giving us a very nice 7.5 knot average. The anchor was no more than set before Roxy and I headed to the dinghy dock to grab a cab to Lautoka.

First stop the ATM, as we needed cash to exchange on Monday for Vanuatu Vatu currency. Then a big provision of staples, at the Extra store, as we likely won’t see many more options before Australia. At the checkout I ran to the liquor store for a couple items, including champagne for Roxy and Carl’s upcoming anniversary. It will be 19 years and we will be on our passage so the champagne will be a great celebration of their wedding plus our arrival in Vanuatu.

The longest job was labeling, organizing and stowing all of our purchases. We ran out of time before dinner and I finished up in the dark. Finally a deep sigh and time to relax until bed. Whew!

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