After a number of questions on about my rudder trim system, I decided it was to for a post to help others who may be interested in a similar system.
I wanted a system that would move the entire rudder and could be adjusted via a switch on the panel. Originally I purchased the Aerosport Products Rudder trim but it would not work with my Control Approach pedals (they now have this option). And this was my solution that attaches onto the Garmin Yam Dampener brackets.
Springs (McMaster Carr P/N: 9654K305) – 0.547″ x 0.08″ x 5.50″, 10 lbs./in.
Actuator was purchased off of Ebay
Thanks for posting this, it’s really useful to see what others have done for trim.
One question: why did you decide to mount it so the springs pull the cables aft, rather than forward? (I’m thinking that pulling them forward would also make it act as a poor-man’s gust lock while parked)
Happy that my post was helpful, the orientation shouldn’t matter. I placed mine this way to avoid interference with the yaw dampener. It does work well at a poor-man’s gust lock but I still secure the rudder pedals if I’m stopping longer than for lunch on a calm day.