Cheering at the Yasawa Island tournament

Friday was the Yasawa group rugby playoffs, with our local village (Yasawairara) playing at 8am – it was much too early for us, but Carl and I made the paddleboard/two mile hike into a nearby village. The tournament was a fun format with 10 minute halves for the teams of 7. Being close to the action it was unexpected how hard the guys hit each other and the noise of crashing bodies. Equally exciting was the ladies cheering for there teams, jumping, yelling, and waving flags. Super fun. We watched four matches from different spots around the pitch, each one having its advantages. The plan was to sail down to Somosomo which meant we could only watch until noon before heading back. I’m so glad we made the trek to take this in.

The sail was a nice one and gave us a chance to practice reefing on the fly (going from Reef 1 to Reef 2) near the mid-point as the wind and waves built. Arriving at the anchorage there were a couple of other monohulls, including the couple we dove the wrecked airplane last year. It was quite rolly and they had company so we had to skip the reunion.

With an early run to Vuda marina in the morning, I headed to bed at a reasonable time – 8:45pm.

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