Browsing Category : Guides and Documentation

RV-10 Lycoming Engine Dehumidifier and Remote Engine Heat Assembly Tutorial

System Description: I decided to build a system that could be remotely controlled via cellular connected monitoring system that would allow me to pre-heat my engine from home and for a self contained engine dehydration system that can also be monitored from my phone. Basically there are three parts to the system: Cellular/Wifi backbone, Remote outlet to control the engine…

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Converting the UBCP back country airstrip data into the Garmin G3X format

The Utah Back Country Pilots Association (UBCP) maintains a list of back country airstrips. Since I frequently fly over a lot of rugged terrain in Utah, I really wanted to have these airstrips shown on my display in case of engine failure. For members they offer a great set of ForeFlight Waypoints for these airstrips, unfortunately this did not help…

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Figuring out the Garmin G3X User Waypoints Tutorial – Exporting, Creating, Editing, Modifying, and Importing

The Utah Back Country Pilots Association (UBCP) maintain a list of back country airstrips. Since I frequently fly over a lot of rugged terrain in Utah, I really wanted to have these airstrips shown on my display in case of engine failure. For members they offer a great set of ForeFlight Waypoints for these airstrips, unfortunately this did not help…

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