Browsing Category : Food and Drink

Swamped by a massive wave

Lots of discussions on plans the last couple days, with an eye on what the weather would let us explore. After downloading the files it was clear that going to Rano, where SV Nimrod had an incredible traditional dance presented by the Smol Nabas in 2016, was not in the cards. A huge bummer as it was the highlight of…

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Best dive in Vanuatu!

With plans to snorkel a reef that had excellent reviews we made an early move eleven-ish miles north. As soon as we were comfortable with the anchor we paddled into shore. It took a bit of searching but we found a very direct route with a steep up and a steep down into the village in the next bay. A…

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Our best village guides

The start to the passage would be exposed to the tradewinds and seas. In an attempt to be as comfortable as possible we got underway just after 5am, which was before before sunrise. It worked as planned and it was a comfortable start with the full main and jib coming out after sunrise and off when the engine. While the…

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Searching for a safe spot to anchor

On the hunt, sort of, for the dugongs. Yesterday the villagers pointed to an area where we might find them, but our real reason for the change of anchorage was to have a good launching spot for the following day’s passage. The new spot was just three miles away but involved navigating all of the reefs again. With our track…

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Boat drama and some farming

During morning coffee, we noticed one of the boats hauling their anchor and then realized that at supply ship on a mooring (that we thought looked sketchy) was dragging towards them. Huh. A bit later we noticed the dragging was continuing. Coming back from the village SV Blue Beryl stopped by the supply ship to make sure they were aware.…

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Sailing north to Epi

With a sixty plus mile day ahead of us the plan was to have the anchor up at 5am. All was going smoothly, everyone was ready, in position, and the chain was nicely falling into the locker. With about 20 meters to go there was a clunk, clunk, and the chain stopped. We were snagged on something. I should mention…

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Ouch, I am paying for this?

The last couple of days were mostly work days. Prepping the boat and provisioning. The grocery store was really well stocked, and other than not finding any pork products, we were able to get everything we wanted. In the local market we had beautiful produce and vegetables to choose from and jumped from stall to stall finding the freshest items…

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Arrival Day in Vanuatu!

After settling a bit around 1:15am the seas kicked up and made for a rough few hours. Coming on watch at 5am Roxy filled me in on the lower winds but ongoing wave action. A low-key morning all around with acceptance that we truly would be arriving much sooner than we expected on departure. Always good news, well it would…

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