Author Archives : Chris French

Go Time!

The time had come, we had a window to cross to Puerto Penasco. Our plan was for a 3:00pm departure which left us with time to squeeze in yet another hike! This time with Radu and Katja from SV Imagine. They had recovered from their sleepless night two days ago and were up for some exploring. So off we went…

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Fun times with CJ and Ted

Through the early morning hours I was up a number of times where the wind hung around the 30 knot range (+/- 5 knots). By 4:00am things subsided a bit and by 6:00am we were back to the 12-15 knots with gusts in the low 20s. Damn the past few weeks have been windy, windy, windy. And made me very…

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Adventure packed day in Refugio

Up early Jack and I dropped the dinghy and headed off fishing. Just as it is supposed to be, it wasn’t long before Jack had his first fish. It was a small cabrilla that we slipped back into the water, a good start. We worked around a point and caught a bigger, but still small, triggerfish. We kept it just…

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Moving on north to Refugio

Finally a day where we can get moving again. Don Juan was a good protector but after four nights, water too cold to snorkel, and dreams of northern anchorages we were ready to move on. The plan had been to wait until 9:00am but the wind dropped off to less than 10 knots earlier than forecast so at 7:00am we…

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Party time on Salish Dragon

We had a mellow last day in Don Juan with a call on the radio from Salish Dragon (attempt number two) inviting to the fleet of eight boats to join them for dinner at 5:00pm. Sweet, nice to get a chance to socialize. You might be wondering about the early start time. Well the winds were forecast to blow, yes…

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Wake up!

In the morning there was a chill in the air and no one was anxious to get moving but by 7:30 there was movement aboard. After a weather check was completed we came to the realization that we would likely see wind the next five days. Duh. But today looked pretty mellow so we upped anchor and made our way…

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Always a lot to do in El Alacran

Mostly motoring except for short periods of using the jib we made our way up to Punta el Alacran. I’d enjoyed this anchorage a few years ago and was happy to be back and even more happy to have the anchorage to ourselves. Score! Shalise headed off for some kayaking and the possibility of snorkeling (in the 55 degree water,…

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Sure why not hike to the airstrip overlook

I had a plan. Maybe not the smartest plan but a plan. I was going to hit the ridge line of the surrounding hills to get an aerial view of the airstrip. No one else had any interest, so this would be a solo run. After climbing the plateau for the view, I worked my way through an arroyo back…

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