Author Archives : Chris French

An early start to a fun day

1:00am pee break interrupted my sleep, s I worked to get back to sleep we started to get a bit of wind. Nothing concerning, just a light breeze. It was however enough to make falling asleep a challenge. Speed forward an hour and it is blowing much harder. What the hell, the forecast was no wind until 9:00am. I waited…

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A hike, a snorkel, and a sunset walk

We stepped it up with one of my favorite hikes in the Sea to start the day. The view of El Burro bay makes me smile every time. We followed the ridgeline over to check out Cocos and Santispac bays too. Once on the beach we strolled by all the homes and talked with a few retirees who were enjoying…

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Tears from the sky leaving Santa Rosalia

Adios Santa Rosalia, we beat the sun on our trip into Bahia Concepcion. It was another mellow day on the water with the shock coming in the form of water from the sky. Sprinkles in November? Never seen that before! Fifty miles later we had the anchor set by 3:00pm and were ready to relax and enjoy the rainy day.…

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Work stoppage in Santa Rosalia

Anchor was up just before 6:00pm and our night passage was under way. I finished up cooking some pulled pork for sandwiches with lots of veggies plus a salad. The downside of not having first watch was a shitty of a watch schedule with really only 3 hours during the night to sleep. Still compared to our bash up to…

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Stocking the freezer!

We will not be defeated by injury! After breakfast it was time to show that we can fish and remain injury free. Jack’s now favorite lure (the one that got him yesterday) was repaired and first to hit the water. Right out of the gate I had a fish on the line. A good fight convinced me it was a…

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How about some hiking and some fish, OUCH!

Ready, set, hike! Before the sunrise we watched Pura Vida motor off to the north and we headed in to the beach. It was good to see that is was much cleaner than in the spring when we hauled forty pounds of trash to Bahia LA. Much cleaner does not mean clean, so we packed up another tub of garbage…

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Pulling into San Francisquito

Up before the sun and underway just after 6:00am, we headed for San Francisquito. Visions of stocking the freezer with fish filled out heads and we motorsailed 40 aught miles south. Mellow day on the water with not much wind and calm seas. Only drawback at one point was a 1.3 knot current against us. Thankfully it only lasted an…

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Taking in the bounty of Alacran

I woke up early and paddled in for a sunrise beach walk. One of the pups from the Eco whale shark camp joined me. He has beautiful eyes and was a good companion. Reaching the end we doubled back to the opposite side I plopped down to relax and take in all this spot offers. Soon a few hours had…

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A touch of civilization before returning to Alacran

Up before sunrise, we got underway. The plan was for a late lunch of hamburgers (for Jack) and Wifi at Guillermo’s in Bahia LA. We were treated to flat seas and good speed on the passage south. Hopefully getting out of the northern part of the sea will bring us less massive winds and mellower passages – time will tell.…

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Clean Up, Isle Guarda

A spectacular sunrise began the day. Life is good. The blow in Gonzaga left a film of fine dust over the boat and the first order of business was a good cleaning. We might have gone overboard and used over 250 liters of water but it felt good to walk on the clean decks. Jack took it a step further…

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