Author Archives : Chris French

Looking more like an airplane with the horizontal attached

Fabricated the spacers for the horizontal stabilizer before mounting it to the airframe. All in all looks good but there were six rivet that the plans did not have riveted that I finished up and also noticed the squeezed rivets on the trailing edge were not properly squeezed. These rivets were done before I realized that the hand squeezer “walks”…

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Whew, does that feel good. The wing skins are riveted which makes the wings basically complete. Also today the ailerons were attached. If only there wasn’t so much more to do before attaching the wings to the fuselage…

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Lots of boxes checked today!

I have been bouncing around a bit lately and not getting a ton of items finished. Today I was able to check off a number of items and the biggest on being the ER tank installation (ended up taking 58.5 hours). Installed the connectors for the roll trim servo. I can now properly say that the wings are just about…

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Just one of those days…

Man, today was a day that was an uphill climb. Right off the bat, when I removed the air valve used to leak test the tank the Loctite 515 made it stiff. Removed, I used acetone to try to cleaning the bung fitting. Then I screwed in (temporarily) the new AD4 fitting – mistake. This messed up the threads. Ugh,…

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Short hustle day

Started with crimping the BNC connectors for the ELT antenna and the COM2 antenna before moving back wheels. Oops, started the fuel tank pressure testing on the right side. Made Lee’s suggested plates on the wheel pants bracket and got them glued on. Tomorrow I will add some rivets and then do the final assembly of the mains. Then it…

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Let the electrical install commence

Today was a bit of jumping around. I got a number of the wires pulled through the airframe, mounted the magnometer bracket, got the static ports ProSealed. A big chunk of the day was spent on getting the wheels mounted. The Matco wheels/brakes was pretty straight forward to figure out the order of installation, wheels on the axles the next…

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Just a bit of progress and a lot of parts ordering

A big chunk of this week has been spent ordering electrical connectors and hardware. For me a painstaking process to determining what is needed, documenting it, and ordering it. It wasn’t only buying fun, I had four packages with items to return too. I’d much rather be building. I did manage to get a couple things accomplished today, the correct…

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Carbon Fiber day, so excited

Finished up cutting the holes for the defrost fans (2 of 2) which went quick and then it was on to the day’s major effort – cutting/sanding carbon fiber. First I took on the vents on the panel which was a warm up to the overhead console. The console had four vents which weren’t too bad other than a lot…

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So much for the planned wheel install today

I was so looking forward to getting the wheels on today. Landing gear installed – check. Tires, tubes, rims ready to go – check. Assembly, fuck me. Learned today that Matco wheels don’t use standard tubes. The hole for the valve is offet about an inch. Blerg, new tubes on order. On the positive side, ProSeal the bungs for the…

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Looking more like an airplane

Today a few more items were banged out. Got the first tail section top skin riveted on, drew up on CAD the revised battery box and COMM antenna doubler. Ordered those to be fabricated along with another Left Upper Panel piece, which needed to be updated since I switched from Lightspeed to dual P-Mags. Fingured out a bunch of connectors…

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Back to the ER tank grind

Man the number of operations for each bracket to mount the ER tanks in insane. The middle bracket is the most time consuming. On the left tank I thought it took four hours to fabricate. But today on the left I took nearly six hours (for one bracket). Sheesh. And I’m sure I was faster today… So all that is…

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