Aerosport Aluminum Insert Panels – for Garmin G3X on an RV-10

Another big project, putting together CAD files for the aluminum interior panels with all of the avionics and lighting components. Prior to this project I had not worked with CAD software in a very long time and had to learn LibreCAD. No doubt the dimensioning is very amateur but the placement and component dimensions were checked and double checked. I also printed all the parts (excluding the overhead console which I haven’t purchased yet) out and laid them into my Aerosport parts as validation. That said until the panels are installed there may be mistakes…

CAUTION: NO CLAIMS ARE MADE TO THE INFORMATION BELOW! Do you own research, testing, and validation. This is put out there just for informational purposes and to give you a head start.

1Antenna Doubler 352024-T3 alclad aluminum0.063" NoNoNo
1Antenna Doubler 57X2024-T3 alclad aluminum0.063" NoNoNo
1Antenna Doubler ADSB2024-T3 alclad aluminum0.063" NoNoNo
2Antenna Doubler COM2024-T3 alclad aluminum0.063" NoNoNo
1Battery Tray5052 aluminum0.063" NoNoNo
2Panel Cables6061-T6 aluminum0.063" YesYesYes
1Panel Flap Switch6061-T6 aluminum0.063" YesYesYes
1Panel Lower Center6061-T6 aluminum0.063" YesYesYes
1Panel Lower Left6061-T6 aluminum0.063" YesYesYes
1Panel Lower Right6061-T6 aluminum0.063" YesYesYes
1Panel Overhead Large6061-T6 aluminum0.063" YesYesNo
1Panel Overhead Small6061-T6 aluminum0.063" YesYesNo
1Panel Rear Seat6061-T6 aluminum0.063" YesYesNo
1Panel Upper Center6061-T6 aluminum0.063" YesYesNo
1Panel Upper Left6061-T6 aluminum0.063" YesYesYes
1Panel Upper Right6061-T6 aluminum0.063" YesYesYes
1Rear Avionics Tray5052 aluminum0.063" NoNoNo

Note: Also included are a battery tray to support two EarthX ETX900 or EXT 1200 batteries and a one piece full width avionics tray (based on the design by TCW Technologies)

Download link:
N241VP Aluminum Insert Panels


  • Ted Cannaday December 10, 2024 at 8:43 am

    Hi Chris, I just discovered your site, and the panel, electrical and other drawings should be a big help and head start on my RV-10 version.
    However, this page’s Alum Insert Panels zip file does not work. Is it possible to fix this? Thanks–

    • Chris French December 10, 2024 at 2:24 pm

      Ted, I’m happy to help! I tried right clicking and choosing save on the link and I was able to download and open the .zip file. It is possible your web browser is marking is as unsafe and blocking the download.


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